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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Lady Whitebone sat by the road and sniffed the air again.

"The Tang Monk has some powerful companions," she said.

"I need a disguise."

Bajie dropped the bags.

"I'm tired and hungry.

Let's stop for lunch."

Using his magic sight, Wukong saw a peach orchard thousands of miles away.

"I'll be back in a minute," he said.

Soon after the monkey had left, a young woman came down the road.

She held out a bowl.

"Are you the Tang Monk?" she asked.

"I have food for you."

Bajie reached for the bowl. "Thank you!"

"Don't eat that!" Wukong was flying fast, back to the group.

He dropped all the peaches and pulled out his iron bar.

[i@Wham!@i] He struck at the young woman.

But before he hit her, she disappeared.

"Why did you do that?" cried the Tang Monk.

"You're a human, Master," said Wukong.

"You couldn't see that the woman was really a spirit who wanted to harm you.

Unfortunately she got away."

"Why are you so cruel?" asked the monk.

"She was giving us food."

"It's not food," said the monkey.

"See?" He held up the bowl, which was filled with worms.

"Don't believe Wukong," said Bajie.

"He used magic to turn the food into worms."

The pig looked at the ground where the woman had been and shook his head.

"Wukong hit her so hard, there isn't anything left of her."

"That's ridiculous," said Wukong. "I—ahh!"

The monkey rolled on the ground as the Tang Monk [n@recited the Tight Headband spell.

Bajie laughed. "I didn't know you could do that, Master."

Just then an old woman came down the road.

The monk stopped reciting the spell, and Wukong stood up.

"I'm looking for my daughter," said the woman.

"She was bringing food to the Tang Monk."

"Oh no," said the Tang Monk.

Bajie stepped forward.

"You should ask this monkey what happened to your daughter."

Wukong looked at the old woman closely for a moment.

Then he took out his iron bar and swung.

But again he missed.

"She got away again!" cried Wukong.

"He killed another innocent person!" cried the pig.

"Master, recite the spell!"

The Tang Monk recited the spell again.

Wukong fell to the ground in pain.

"Please stop!" cried the monkey.

The Tang Monk stopped.

"Don't hurt any more people," he said.

"If you do, I'll recite the spell until your head explodes."

Just then an old man came down the road.

"I'm looking for my wife and daughter," he said.

"That's the evil spirit woman again," thought Wukong.

"If I don't destroy her, she'll harm the Tang Monk.

But if I do hurt her, the monk will make my head explode."

Wukong sighed. "I must protect the Tang Monk, no matter what," he thought.

Wukong whipped out his iron bar and swung.

There was a puff of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, a skeleton lay on the ground.

"I got her!" cried Wukong.

"See? She was an evil skeleton spirit!"

The Tang Monk frowned.

"Recite the spell again," Bajie said to the monk.

"I want you to leave, Wukong," said the Tang Monk.

"Master," said the monkey. "I just saved your life."

"I don't believe you," said the monk.

"Now leave or I'll recite the spell again."

Wukong became angry.

"If you really want me to leave, I'll leave.

But don't come looking for me when you need help!"

He leaped into the air and vanished.


pig [pɪg] n. 猪;猪肉 vi. 生小猪;像猪一样过活 n. 警察(俚语,带有攻击性) {zk gk cet4 ky :3014}

companions [kəmˈpænjənz] n. 同伴;同事(companion的复数);伴随物 v. 陪伴;伴随(companion的三单形式) { :3024}

sighed [said] 叹息 { :3085}

explodes [iksˈpləudz] v. (使)爆炸( explode的第三人称单数 ); 突然(发出巨响,活跃起来,迸发感情); 推翻; 驳倒 { :3106}

explode [ɪkˈspləʊd] vi. 爆炸,爆发;激增 vt. 使爆炸;爆炸;推翻 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3106}

hungry [ˈhʌŋgri] adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的 {zk gk :3181}

harm [hɑ:m] n. 伤害;损害 vt. 伤害;危害;损害 n. (Harm)人名;(德)哈尔姆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3189}

spell [spel] n. 符咒;一段时间;魅力 vi. 拼字;轮替 vt. 拼,拼写;意味着;招致;拼成;迷住;轮值 n. (Spell)人名;(英)斯佩尔 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :3382}

magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 巫术;魔法;戏法 adj. 不可思议的;有魔力的;魔术的 n. (Magic)人名;(英)马吉克 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3411}

leaped [li:pt] v. 跳跃 急速移动 剧增 突然移动 { :3425}

evil [ˈi:vl] n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸 adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 {cet4 cet6 ky :3447}

ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3632}

frowned [fraund] v. 皱眉;用皱眉蹙额表示不满(frown的过去分词) { :3759}

vanished ['vænɪʃd] n. 销声匿迹,无影无踪(美国电视连续剧剧名) { :3949}

whipped ['wɪpt] adj. 受到鞭打的 v. 鞭打;挥动(whip的过去分词) { :4254}

cruel [kru:əl] adj. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的,让人受难的;无情的,严酷的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4471}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

worms [wә:mz. vɔ:rms] n. [基医] 蠕虫(worm的复数) n. (Worms)人名;(德、法、葡)沃姆斯 { :4993}

sniffed [snift] v. 以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的过去式和过去分词 ); 抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气); 抱怨,不以为然地说 { :5455}

peach [pi:tʃ] n. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物) adj. 桃色的;用桃子制成的 vt. 告发 vi. 告密 n. (Peach)人名;(英)皮奇 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :5531}

peaches [pi:tʃiz] n. 桃子(peach的复数) v. 检举,告发(peach的单三形式) { :5531}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

skeleton [ˈskelɪtn] n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人 adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5954}

reciting [riˈsaitɪŋ] v. 背诵;朗诵(recite的现在分词);详述 { :6397}

recite [rɪˈsaɪt] vt. 背诵;叙述;列举 vi. 背诵;叙述 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :6397}

recited [riˈsaitid] vt. 背诵;叙述;列举 vi. 背诵;叙述 { :6397}

orchard [ˈɔ:tʃəd] n. 果园;果树林 n. (Orchard)人名;(英、西)奥查德 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7245}

puff [pʌf] n. 粉扑;泡芙;蓬松;一阵喷烟;肿块;吹嘘,宣传广告 vt. 喷出,张开;使膨胀;夸张;使骄傲自满 vi. 膨胀;张开;鼓吹;夸张 n. (Puff)人名;(德)普夫 {cet4 cet6 ky :8283}

tang [tæŋ] n. 特性;强烈的味道;柄脚 vt. 使声尖锐;装刀柄于 vi. 发出铿锵声;发出当的一声 n. (Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当 { :15960}

headband [ˈhedbænd] n. 头巾;头饰带 { :17989}

wham [wæm] n. 重打声 n. (Wham)人名;(英)惠姆 vt. 重打 vi. 重打 { :18683}

a bowl [ ] [网络] 碗;一只碗;一个碗

a peach [ ] [网络] 桃子;一只桃子;一个桃子

a puff [ei pʌf] 一阵

evil spirit [ ] un. 魔鬼 [网络] 邪灵;恶魔;妖精

iron bar [ ] un. 铁棒;铁条;钢条 [网络] 铁棍;铁锭;铁棍子

leap into [ ] v. 跃进 [网络] 跳入;跳进;飞跃

monkey roll [ ] 猴滚翻

peach orchard [ ] [网络] 桃园;南起桃园;奇欧卡德

the evil [ ] [网络] 第三种人是恶人;邪魔

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the smoke [ ] [网络] 烟;大烟;年夜烟

to harm [ ] [网络] 伤害;危害;损伤

whip out [ ] na. 猛然抽出[跳出];突然叫喊 [网络] 突然拿出;迅速离开;闪开

he said

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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